Capital Allowance Claims – What Do You Need to Know?

The Furnished Holiday Let rules are changing. You must submit your claim by the end of the current tax year.

Is your Furnished Holiday Let a source of unclaimed Capital Allowances?

If your property meets the criteria for classification as a Furnished Holiday Let, you could be eligible to make a claim. This provides a significant advantage, allowing you to claim Capital Allowances on items such as furniture and equipment or fixtures such as integrated kitchen units, bathroom fittings, electrical circuits, and more!

What Buildings Qualify for a Capital Allowance Claim?

All commercial property may qualify for a Capital Allowance Claim.

If you have incurred capital expenditure on a commercial property you lease, you could be sitting on a significant tax-saving opportunity through a Capital Allowance Claim.

Many property improvements qualify for this relief, for example:

  • A restaurant refurbishment might include eligible assets such as plumbing, air conditioning, and kitchen fittings.

  • A shop fit-out may cover shelving, electrical systems, and security installations.

  • An office remodel could involve lighting, fire alarms, and integrated furniture.

Capital Allowance Claims Qualifying Items

What qualifies as an eligible item of fixed plant and machinery has been a topic of debate in the courts for over a century. Fixed plant and machinery encompasses numerous systems commonly found in most properties, including:

  • Electrical Distribution & Lighting

  • Plumbing & Heating

  • Air Conditioning

  • Ventilation Systems

  • Kitchen Fittings & Appliances

  • Bathroom Facilities

  • Decorative Installations

  • Solar Panels

Get in touch to find out more about how we can help you make a Capital Allowance Claim on any type of commercial property.

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